What are the Residency Requirements for Australia

What are the Residency Requirements for Australia

Do you dream of travelling to Australia for better life quality, good education and medical service? Do you want to travel to Australia as an entrepreneur or businessman because there is a lower rate of corporate tax? Is there any reason you wish to settle in Australia? Whatever the case is, if you want to study, work, open a business or want to become an Aussie citizen, you need to have a Permanent Residency card.

To become part of the Australian community, you need to meet a general residence requirement.

General Residence Requirement

This law states that you must lawfully stay in Australia for at least 4 before applying for citizenship. You should not be absent from Australia for 12 months. You can only spend 90 days overseas.

General Residence Requirement and special circumstances

In some cases, variations to general residence requirements may apply due to various reasons. This includes spending more than 90 days overseas with your partner who is of Australian nationality or working abroad due to specific job requirements.

Australian Citizen Spouse

If you are either married or partnered with an Australian citizen, you don’t need to spend 4 but 2 years in Australia before applying for citizenship.

Special Category Visas

New Zealand citizens who possess Special Category Visas (SCV) might qualify for a simplified pathway to Australian citizenship if they meet certain eligibility criteria.

Overseas Employment

If you are one of those individuals who work overseas due to job requirements e.g. serving in the armed forces or Australian government employee, you have certain eligibility criteria. This also means that you qualify for a variation to the general residence requirement. To get more insight on this, visit the Department of Home Affairs.

How to Avoid Delay in Application

If you meet certain eligibility criteria as mentioned before, you have to make sure that there is no delay in your application processing time. This is how you can avoid delays.

Track of Your Dates

Try to maintain accurate records. It means that you have to keep track of all the travel dates and your time spent outside Australia. People who keep all such records fill out the application with ease.

Avoid Lengthy Overstays

Always plan your trip wisely if you want to apply for a residence card. Do not be absent for more than 3 months within the last 12 months before applying.

Visa Status

Always check your visa status. You should be a permanent resident for at least 12 months before applying for citizenship.

Documents Proving Residency

Documents that prove your residency should be kept safe at all costs (e.g. rental agreements, utility bills). Sometimes you need these documents for the application process.

Citizenship Test

When you meet all the requirements, you are then eligible for the Australian Citizenship Test. The test is computer-based with 20 challenging questions. To pass the exam, you have to score 75%. Applicants need to have a thorough preparation. You can get various reliable resources for preparation including the Common Bond booklet and Common Bond Podcast.

Group study can help you alot as it allows individuals to share more insight and new perspectives related to the topics. It makes you a team player and avoids procrastination. Studying with your study buddy also ensures that you stay on track with respect to your study schedule.

In the end, it is better to take the Practice Citizenship Test Australia. Mock quizzes offer various services like challenge bank and instant feedback. It also helps you analyze your weak areas and help you in solving the questions within a specific time frame.

Applying for the citizenship process can initially seem daunting, but once you start the process, everything tends to flow more smoothly.

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